Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Dear friends,

'A cup of coffee.... few friends.....flowing conversation....' This is the intention behind this blog, we are launching. A blog which not only puts our thoughts and view point, but yours too... Sometimes we have a great point of view on a subject, or an experience which we would like to share, or maybe unleash a creative streak.... This blog is is a collaborative space for such view points and an opportunity to the writer lurking in all of us and a place to share our views on everything under the sun.

Contributions can be in the form of post which we will be happy to publish on the blog or in the form of comments on a post (in the comments section). You can write about anything which will make a good coffee table conversation - mundane things or experiences, your vacation trip, movie /music /book reviews, your poetry, list is endless...

If you have any idea /thought worth sharing, please come forward and send us an email or a Facebook message. It'll be our pleasure to post your ideas (while giving full credit to you).

Please pick up your Coffee and join us at  http://coffeetableconversation.blogspot.in/ - our eCoffee parlour......

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