Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Reading to me, is a personal experience. It's a secret bond between the reader & the writer. A reader's personal circumstances & exposure strongly  influence the interpretation, that is why when you read the same piece at a different stage in life it gives a different perspective. The ability to relate to it at a different level  and derive a different inference further strengthens the bonding between the reader & the writer. 

An  exceptional piece of writing is that which is able to stand the test of time and is able to offer the reader a different dimension with the passage of time. While poetry by nature is mystic and open to interpretation, to get the same effect out of prose calls for a certain amount of skill. Moreover the subject discussed should lend itself and offer such scope. It is possible only for a knowledgeable and creative writer to bring about such text and a discerning reader to unravel it. Here again each reader unravels it within the limits of his/her intellect, which again keeps evolving with new experience and exposure. So not only does each reader get his own perspective, every reader gets a different perspective every time he/she reads it. This is the magic of the written word and the basis for the secret love affair between the reader & the writer.

Written and Contributed by : 
Rajshree Anand 
Dubai, U.A.E.
Banker by profession.

1 comment:

  1. Many a time, when I watch the movie of a book I have read and enjoyed, the movie invariably falls short of expectations.. As you have aptly said, it is the magic of the written word.
