Monday, July 29, 2013

Age is on your side

We often complain about ageing… in our forties, but surprisingly very few elders complain. Some of us complain… that they are un-healthy due to their AGE. We have grand mothers who are healthy at eighty plus, with no type II diabetes, hyper-tension and with a healthy heart, while other family members at much younger age suffer from ill health. So I feel it’s our lifestyle that makes us unhealthy. A little attention and focus on our lifestyle can lead us towards an energetic and healthy life. For good health these days exercise is a must because we lead a quiescent life compared to our previous generation.

Public perception towards “age”, especially in India is quiet negative. Thirty plus are treated as ‘somebody who has passed the prime of their age’. This negative feedback gets engraved in our brains and we tend to ignore our dress sense, attitude and body language, which in turn make us look, dull, unenthusiastic and hence old.

Secondly most of us after getting into a profession, neglect their hobbies. Hobbies not only relieve us from stress, but some hobbies keep us physically active and hence, healthy. As far as health & hobbies are concerned all that is needed is a little determination. Hesitation before starting can be resolved with determination and then one just has to pursue it, with interest. After all hobbies are stimulating and a great way to pep us!

I feel a positive attitude & a healthy life are important for feeling young. Would love to hear your feedback, so please do leave your comments…

By Pushpa Ramesh

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