Monday, March 30, 2020

Art of Knowing when to ‘Stop’

As an artist we were always told that we should be aware when we should stop working on a piece of art. The knowledge of this ‘Stop’ is thin as a line. You stop too early and your work looks incomplete. You over-work and it looks confused.

Doesn’t this knowledge apply to everything in life?  If you cook, you will understand what I trying to say. It’s a difference between undercooked and overdone food.

Sometimes we just want to share our thoughts with our friends. But no sooner than we put our thoughts forward, there comes a stream of opinion back at us. And then there are few who don’t even acknowledge your thoughts. Knowing when to ‘Stop’ is a balance between introvert and extrovert.

This knowledge is extremely rare. In fact I come across spiritual well intended people unaware of this line. People going through spiritual metamorphosis, instead of absorbing the changes they are going through start expecting their family and friends to follow suit. And this expectation ruins the beauty of their path.

This brings a wise quote to mind which resonates with me “Respond, not react”.  I have come to realize that we have three buttons with us at every stage “Play” “Pause” and “Stop” which we should use consciously. When in doubt pause and decide whether you need to Stop or continue to Play.

By Pushpa Ramesh


  1. Superb article on three P's play, pause and stop.It applies in all situations of life. Nicely articulated by pushpa ramesh. May God bless you

  2. Very well penned Pushpa. Such a deep thought put across in such simple words.
    Good work. Keep it up
