Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Having Faith

The word 'Faith' has been loosing it's value in our atheist society, because people relate faith to religion. But Faith isn't about religion, it's about trusting a power far greater than ourselves. That can be God for some people, for others it can be higher intelligence or energy or simply trusting their own self or perhaps one look's upon somebody.

Personally 'Faith' has given me the knowledge that I am unsinkable, even when I stand in the midst of a chaos. Each day I have dialogue with the higher power of my challenges and my aspirations, waiting for magical solutions to appear. The solutions are some times 'perfect' and sometimes they are not in my favor. When I fight with it and want things my way - it brings in a conflict within me and peace is lost. But when I accept these unfavorable solutions whole heartedly I begin to see a more clear picture of my life.

Most of us loose faith when we face danger and fear overpowers us. Life has shown us, people magically getting cured of life threatening diseases or were saved at the last moment when they were facing death. And we have seen examples of healthy people losing their life because they didn't have faith that they could lead a happy life.
Sometimes just being an observer of life creates amazing possibilities which we miss when we are over-reacting in a situation. Choosing a possibility with which one resonates most and having the willingness to overcome the challenge, will not only help us to expand but also live our life with purpose.

Pushpa Ramesh


  1. Absolutely true Pushpa. We have to be just an unbiased observer of life sometimes.

  2. Fantastic thought process..Quality thinking. Thanks for that..

  3. Thanks for that word Faith, which you have chosen to reinstill by a very simple message. Yes I fully agree with you pushpa, when fear creeps in, faith takes a back seat. The word FEAR as I read somewhere is FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL. If faith and trust is nurtured relationship becomes meaningful and life becomes wonderful to live. Exceptions are always there and we should never ever look at exceptions. Thanks for a nice initiative.

  4. Happy Morning to all. Taking the cue from your post Pushpa on Faith - Face Anything In Trusting Him, I would like to share with you a real incident which I read in a book.
    A Steel Manufacturing Company has a division called "Steel Melting Shop"and it is the heart of Steel Plant.In this shop the raw material iron ore is mixed with chemicals like limestone, coal etc to produce Ingots. The temperature in the Steel Melting shop would be 600 - 1000 degrees centrigrade.
    In earlier days there was no automation and people work in this Steel Melting stop would work for 15 mts and then take a break and an alternative person would do the job as they face the heat of 600 degree centrigrade. We during the summer time, for 42 - 45 degrees centrigrade express that it is scorching heat outside.
    The people working in the Steel Melting Shop have tattooed the words "JAI BHAJRANG BALI' (In Praise of Lord Hanuman) They had enormous faith on Lord Hanuman and because of that faith, they got a positive feeling that any task howsoever hard it may look can be accomplished. (FAITH WORKS IF WE HAVE FAITH AT WORK)
