Tuesday, December 29, 2015

GOD (As I know it)

Probably we all know deep down in our hearts that at our core we are 'Child of God' and in our humanness we forget that. Or probably we just shut it down because we as humans are entwined in our social web. If we say don't follow a religion we are outcast by the society. As we join this society since birth, we fear being outcast.

All religions describe God in almost similar way. Hindu philosophy -  'Aham Bhramasmi' (I AM GOD) the literal translation. Or, there is GOD in each of us . Christianity & Judas call it the concept of 'I AM THAT I AM'.

Even the vibrations created by different religions is similar - AUM, AMEN & AMEEN -. Concept behind it is - Everything we see or don't see is energy. And energy vibrates on different frequencies. All 3 words have a same higher frequency derived from aaa... ummm.... So, basically same words pronounced differently in different religions. 
To know more about 'OM' read my earlier post http://coffeetableconversation.blogspot.in/2013/07/om.html

Anita Moorjani describes beautifully in her book ' Dying to be me' - 'GOD isn't a being, but a state of being......and I was now in that state of being!' 
So GOD can't reject us even if we are the worst kind of humans. I read in a book that even Heaven & Hell are just a state of being. So we won't even go to Heaven or Hell, but experience them depending on which state we are in.

Purity of thoughts is the only spiritual evolution. Peace, Joy, Bliss, Love, Abundance is nothing but our GOD self, which we should strive to maintain at each ad every moment of time.

Even with all this knowledge that GOD is one or within us, I myself insist, that my child prays every morning. I am not a religious person, but when I needed that support & protection from someone greater than me, I know that I can pray to GOD. Prayer gives us hope, in hopeless situation. And I wish that my child feels that support.

If humanity awakens to their GOD-self, then there can be, no hate, no religious intolerance, no caste inequalities, But Pure Humanness

Pushpa Ramesh


  1. Good derivation for OM ����..

    Prayer gives us hope in hopeless situation - fantastic one !!!.

  2. I fully agree with you and the way of your interpretation is very nice. Yes I liked the last sentence very much as it speaks about Pure Humanness.
