Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Influencing and getting influenced

In the Journey of life we use influencing very effectively in many areas, but would not have seriously analyzed, why we are able to influence others or why I am getting influenced by -

What is Influencing - It is, understanding yourself and the effect and Impact you have on others when you interact with them. (For example)

a) Parents influence their children by identifying the positive traits  in them, keep reiterating those good aspects and empower them to make them understand that they are good in that aspect which makes them more confident to take the decisions in life. This method is called Empowerment approach.
b) Husband - wife, Mother-in-law - daughter-in-law, or any other close relations, if you take as examples, if I can understand the likes and dislikes of other person, preferences and choices of other person, the words they use often, their body language, colour preferences and so on. I can use this to influence the other people for a positive cause not to get any mileage from this relationship, but be of value to them. This method is called Interpersonal awareness approach.

This is an interesting topic which can be discussed in length. There are eight different ways of Influencing people in personal as well as in professional life.
I have shared with you two different approaches. You can help me by contributing what other approaches you feel is of value.

Keep sharing, let us evolve and influence the society for a positive cause and enjoy this journey called life.

By : Venkatesha Sharma
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Monday, February 27, 2017

Soul mate

The word soul mate is often associated with spouse or a lover. Especially in our culture where we have grown up hearing mythical stories of Savitri and Satyvan and where wife’s fast and pray for their husband’s long life, it is natural to assume so.

A soul mate as I understand can be any one with whom you feel deeply connected, loved and cherished. It necessarily need not be of the opposite sex or having any physical relationship with him or her. In fact they need not be humans at all. Animals, trees or even non-living things like a body of water which energizes you can make that difference in your life. In fact soul mate need not be just one. You can have a number of soul mates.

I bring forth this explanation and understanding to remove the blame and hurt that many of us cause our loved ones by accusing them with words like cheating and affair which often lead to deep, painful lifelong wounds. Anyone expressing their deep connection to others should not be tainted shame. A soul to soul relationship should be valued and honored.

By Pushpa Ramesh