Tuesday, June 23, 2015

EFT - The quick fix pain reliver

At some point in our life we do deal with some kind of pain (physical or emotional). Some of us take drugs to numb that pain and others just accept it and deal with it. Easy pain relief is in your hands literally for free. And it just takes few minutes to be pain free.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Tapping as it is called is a simple, easy and quick way to relieve physical or emotional pain. In fact some practitioners of EFT have gone ahead and used this process to change their beliefs and even to lose weight as well as to let go addictions.

The simple process is done by tapping with your fingers at certain points in your body for few minutes. Using affirmations along with deep relaxed breathing is even more beneficial.

Why it works - Acupuncture has for thousands of years have described meridians. Meridians are pathways through which our energy flows (prana or chi). Most of these meridians are associated with our organs. These points are the end points of the meridians. When you tap these points, any blockage in the meridian starts to open up and energy starts to flow smoothly.

This video will help you teach the process and get relief from pain.

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