Friday, July 4, 2014

Is your Battery 100%

Tough and Strong cartoon charged battery

Yes, it’s about “You” not your gadgets. When we have slept well and wake up, fully charged. That’s a feeling most people hardly experience these days. Oh! I do wish we humans were as simply wired as our gadgets, so we could connect ourselves to a power plug when we are low on battery.
What depletes our battery? Surely over usage without rest, stress, ill health, wrong food & drinks.

Negative thoughts create stress and anxiety and hence insomnia. A good way to controlling negative thoughts is by first recognizing that it exists in you. Next, understand that it is not a reality but just a thought. Mind, like our body needs care for our wellbeing. Meditation is a good place to start.

With a peaceful mind, comes peaceful sleep. Over the years, it’s become hip to sleep less because it is viewed as a frivolous activity, hence considered waste of time (which ‘successful people cannot afford’). But in reality, sleep is like meditation it can recharge you and you will be able to give more output in less time. Arianna Huffington, Forbes #12 most influential woman in media, once collapsed due to lack of sleep and since then became a “sleep evangelist”.

When health is making us feel drained… that’s the way our body reminds us to pay more attention to our-self. Half of all diseases can be resolved psychologically. For rest of the diseases we have advance medicine on our side. Most of the common diseases these days are lifestyle diseases, for which a simple lifestyle change is needed.

Still feeling dull??? Check your diet. It’s not only alcohol and caffeine that saps on our craving mind but also heavy junk food and sugary sweets too. They give us instant energy and gratification and then, they drain us out. Still we give ourselves reasons for having them. Can we stand proud, when we make a healthy choice next time and give a pat on the back to someone who has done the same.

By Pushpa Ramesh

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