Monday, September 16, 2013

Abstract Art

Many of us find it difficult to understand “abstract art”. That is because we look for forms and meanings, when the word “abstract” itself means something which doesn’t have a concrete shape. In simple words ‘Art’ in which the subject is, colour, line, shape, texture etc., rather than recognizable form is abstract art.

Sometimes the artist takes inspiration from real objects or nature and represents it in unrecognizable patters or shapes. For this he either simplifies the object or exaggerates it. This form of art is sometimes pleasing to the eye and sometimes lacks aesthetic beauty. To appreciate such an art, it is important to understand the environment of the artist as well as his thoughts. Sometimes the subconscious emotion of the artist is also expressed well in abstract form.

Preconception binds our imagination. To appreciate an abstract art, it is imperative that one should have an open mind. So abstract art not only needs the skill of the artist but also of the observer. Art allows us to access our subconscious feeling and emotions. Hence the role of an artist in such a case is to create a work of art, that when viewed evokes the viewer’s subconscious feelings to his awareness, keeping his distractions to minimum.

By Pushpa Ramesh

1 comment:

  1. that takes us to the question, why art? what is the purpose of art?
