Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Sense of Awe

Each morning I sit with my tea in the presence of nature and marvel at it’s beauty. The stillness and the peace it provides is a meditation in itself.

In younger days, nature was of little value. I knew that the beach or the presence of water made me feel good or perhaps a nice scenic place. As years have gone by our relationship has become deeper. A beautiful sunrise or sunset adds value. Sometimes trees and greenery amaze me. I can enjoy the bloom of spectrum of flowers during various seasons.

Birds oh dear…they amaze me
Call of the Owls, feel as if chatting and communicating with me. And of-course they keep a keen gaze to see if I am responding to them. And the little black Bushchat bird comes each day into my home, just to check if I am still there.

Peacocks call, as if they lack attention. Bulbuls gather to dance. The Sunbirds hover over flowers and sucking the nectar. The gorgeous Kingfisher, make my heart dance. Squeals of the Hornbills or the soothing call of the Cuckoo bird, both unique and attractive in their own sense. The sharp flight of a Kite or an elegant swoop of the Egret, such a treat to watch.

And ah, the Squirrels running around and holding food with their two fore legs, just to remind us 'that we are similar ’. I enjoyed watching them gather cotton and make a nest. And out comes those small little babies running around learning to navigate through trees and bushes.

What a sense of amazement and awe nature provides us with. Small blessings which we so easily ignore, but the bliss it provides is priceless.

Pushpa Ramesh