Thursday, August 20, 2015

The dance of Guilt and Shame

Guilt and Shame go hand in hand.
The whole world seems to be on a guilt trip - for something from their past that they did or didn't do 'RIGHT'. Of course, many times the guilt programming starts at a young age. Socially our life has become so entwined that society has a say in pretty much everything. From childhood if the child does not behave in  a certain way, that kid is scolded, shamed and made to feel guilty because the child has failed the family, socially. This guilt & the feeling of ' I am not good enough' carries with this kid throughout his life.
We as a society can't even accept, if a child's pace of growing up is not, up-to the acceptable social standards. Instead of accepting the individual pace, we blame the parent as irresponsible and uncultured.
Educated mothers - are on a guilt trip, if they are stay at home mom's and those who work are guilty for not being able to give their 100% to their family.
Each and everyone of us on some level (including the top models), have guilt consciousness about our physical body because of the social judgement around looking good as per standards is imperative.
Successful people are viewed as duplicitous and unsuccessful ones are blamed as losers.
We as individuals or as society are constantly blaming, shaming or making someone or ourselves feel guilty. Our media which affects and shapes our thoughts is also constantly doing the same with institutions and individuals. Rarely does our media celebrate the good in society.

David R Hawkins on the Map of Consciousness has given Shame and Guilt are one of the lowest levels of frequency. At this frequency we are much further away from finding peace, joy and happiness. Moreover these low frequencies creates stress, which in turn cause diseases.

We as conscious individuals, have the power to help and uplift each other. At each individual level, we need to be mindful of our thoughts and take a little care in expressing ourselves loving with kind uplifting words. Sometimes, we just need to stand with our friends and loved ones in their ordeal to overcome their guilt and shame. Other times we need to be kind and loving towards ourselves and seek the help we need to overcome our judgement on a situation. This is how we can raise our frequency and live in a space of peace and happiness.

Pushpa Ramesh