Saturday, September 6, 2014

Art of Receiving

We often forget that receiving and giving are ‘two sides of the same coin’.

From childhood, we have been programmed & encouraged to give unconditionally. From generations, the giver is seen in a greater light than the receiver. That’s great; but it has led to a mental block which puts receiving in poor light.

Let’s look into why receiving is so important – Firstly, giving is directly dependent on receiving eg; if we have money then we can donate it whole heartedly to the cause we believe in. Remember that we come into the world empty handed. Secondly, we are all humans and hence we have needs. Even the spiritual saints have spiritual needs. These needs can only be fulfilled when we are open to receiving.

Sometimes when we have a deep desire for something we pray and ask God/ higher powers to help us fulfill them. The best way our higher powers can help us is through fellow humans and when such help, knocks at our door step, our ego steps in and we very often reject this help.

Here’s how we can improve our receiving ability.When somebody showers us with gifts or when someone opens up for helping us, we need to just take a moment and accept it graciously with genuine gratitude. Yes, “take a moment” because otherwise out of habit we would half-heartedly disgrace it by calling it “formality” or even worse accept in ungraciously by expressing “this isn’t what I wanted”. Please remember – The giver has already received, and to complete circle they are giving.

ByPushpa Ramesh